Established in 1913, the North Andover Historical Society remains dedicated in its mission to discover, preserve, and share the unique history of North Andover. Throughout the years, our mission has evolved, yet one thing remains unchanged - our commitment to bringing history to life for our community in North Andover, the Merrimack Valley, and beyond.

We invite you to join us! Visit our Stevens Center Building, across from the town common to explore our 1646 Bookstore or enjoy a meal at Diane’s Café on the Common or check our exhibits.

As a nonprofit organization, we rely on the support of members and donors. Your support enables us to continue important mission focused activities, such as ensuring the care of our collections, conducting research for interpretation and exhibits, and preserving our beloved historic properties, and most importantly, helping to continue to save and share North Andover’s history for the next generation!

Don’t miss out - become a member today and enjoy membership benefits.

AUTUMN CAFE HOURS: Wednesday - Sunday: 8-2 | MUSEUM HOURS: Wednesday - Sunday: 8-2


 The North Andover VFW Post #2104, has partnered with North Andover CAM to produce a series of short video vignettes highlighting some of the local Veterans that will be honored with a graveside wreath by telling their story, including pictures and first-hand accounts of their service.  These videos will be show at the North Andover Historical Society's Worden Theater on Saturday, November 9th at 1pm and 3pm. There is no charge to attend this program.   

Sponsor a wreath today to be placed on a veteran’s grave this December at Ridgewood Cemetary.

​Wreaths Across America is a national non-profit organization and program that facilitates the placing of Veteran wreaths at gravesites across the country.  Thier Mission: Remember the fallen, Honor those who serve, and teach the next generation the value of freedom. Register: https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/1dad3c54-6452-4d79-98a2-41278f940d95

Join us in the Worden Theater for a series of programs in November designed to educate and inform all about our local history prior to the European settlers to our region, featuring movies, documentaries and speaking programs.


We offer exciting, engaging, and top-quality educational programs for all ages. See our educational page for details on current field-trips, and homeschooling classes.

Join us this fall at our fun Upcoming Events:


The Society's 1646 Bookstore is online and carries a wide assortment of books, prints, and souvenirs.

You can also join or renew your membership here, or buy a gift card for a friend.

Our expanded offerings include Arcadia Publishing's 'Images of America' book series, historic jigsaw puzzles using pictures from our archives, and other items that reinforce North Andover's rich heritage.


To seek, save, and share North Andover history!

As a cultural and community hub, the North Andover Historical Society
collects, preserves, interprets and shares its historical properties and artifacts
to educate and excite the public’s imagination while promoting a sustainable future.